The image above is The Nativity by early American painter John Singleton Copley, circa 1776. On religious holidays—Christmas, Hanukkah, Easter—I like to use an equally religious image to go along with my wishes for others on the day. Over the… Continue Reading →
The horrific attacks by Hamas on October 7 exposed an evil straight from the depths of hell. This was not just a terrorist attack, but a coordinated campaign of bloodlust and savagery that shocked and sickened most sensible people. Murders,… Continue Reading →
As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving 2022, all the familiar things swirl around us. We plan what we’re going to eat—okay, some of the additional things we are going to eat, where we are going to eat, and with whom… Continue Reading →
Radio legend Don Imus passed away on December 27. For those of us who were fans, this is sad news. For those who were less than fans, they’re wondering how it took so long. Coming out of the depths of… Continue Reading →
So the clever man thinks, “I’ve got a pretty severe case of writer’s block which means I’m doing everything at this keyboard from turning it over and burping it to get the Doritos pieces dislodged from between the K and… Continue Reading →
Our next coming of age generation, the millennials, have seemingly little tolerance for things they do not like. Theirs is not the way of saying, “No, thank you, I don’t like that. I’ll go on about my business” Instead, it’s… Continue Reading →
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A New Year: What’s in a Date?
When a new year dawns as it did recently to bring in 2025, the world collectively thinks of new beginnings, fresh starts, and resolutions to do this and that differently or for the first time. Such things have been going… Continue Reading →